Adoption Investigations

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About Adoption Investigations

Searching in the case of adoption can be difficult. Are you adopted and want to meet your natural parents? Or are you looking for your child, lost long time ago? We have professional private investigators, with a lot of experience in adoption cases, who can help you with your problems.

The decision to start looking for your natural parents or for a child given for adoption is persistent and difficult. You are probably wondering where to start, how to do it and what you will find.

Many people opt for search for their relatives by themselves. Unfortunately, in most cases, without specialized help, their searches are doomed to failure. Our investigators have over 15 years of experience and are well prepared for any scenario.

Take a first step today in finding your relatives and contact us by phone or email!

Adoption Investigations Services

In some cases, private investigators may be hired to conduct aspects of adoption investigations. Private detectives may be involved in gathering specific types of information or conducting discreet inquiries that are relevant to the adoption process. However, it's important to note that the primary responsibility for adoption investigations typically falls on adoption agencies, social workers, and government authorities.

Background Checks

Private investigators can assist in conducting thorough background checks on prospective adoptive parents. This may include checking criminal records, employment history, and other relevant details to ensure the safety and suitability of the adoptive parents.

Surveillance in Adoption Investigations

In cases where there are specific concerns or suspicions, private investigators might conduct surveillance to gather information about the lifestyle, living conditions, or daily activities of the prospective adoptive parents.

Locating Birth Parents

Our detectives may be hired to locate and gather information about birth parents in cases of open adoptions or when the adoptive parents are seeking more information about the child's biological family.

Verification of Information

Private investigators may be tasked with verifying the accuracy of information provided by prospective adoptive parents. This could include confirming employment, financial stability, or other details relevant to the adoption process.

It's important to emphasize that any involvement of private investigators in adoption investigations must comply with legal and ethical standards. The adoption process is highly regulated to ensure the well-being of the child, and all investigations must adhere to the laws governing adoption procedures.

Prospective adoptive parents, adoption agencies, or legal professionals involved in the adoption process should consult with relevant authorities to ensure that the use of private investigators aligns with the legal requirements of the jurisdiction where the adoption is taking place. Transparency and adherence to ethical standards are critical to maintaining the integrity of the adoption process.