Surveillance & Countersurveillance

Uncover the truth discreetly with our surveillance solutions, ensuring your security and peace of mind.

private investigators team

About Surveillance & Countersurveillance

Surveillance and countersurveillance are two distinct practices related to monitoring and protecting against unwanted or covert surveillance activities.

Our investigators are professionals with experience, who use modern surveillance techniques and can face any challenge - from obtaining legal evidence to be presented in court to unveiling a partner's infidelity. In many cases samples are not requested, being only a matter of finding the truth, however hurtful that may be.

Our private investigators from Romania are able to provide any forms of surveillance. They can gather photo, video or audio evidence. Our clients will receive a detailed report at the end of our activity. Our actions will be carried out discreetly and tactfully. Our clients are convinced that we strictly respect the professional secrecy.

Secret Surveillance

Surveillance involves the systematic observation or monitoring of individuals, groups, locations, or activities to gather information, maintain security, or for other purposes. Surveillance can be conducted for various reasons, including law enforcement, intelligence gathering, business operations, and personal security. Common surveillance methods include the use of cameras, audio recording devices, tracking systems, and human agents.


Countersurveillance, on the other hand, is the practice of detecting and preventing surveillance activities conducted by others. It is employed to protect sensitive information, maintain privacy, and thwart potential threats. Countersurveillance techniques can include:

Sweeping for Bugs

This involves searching for hidden listening devices or cameras in a particular area or on personal belongings.

Signal Jamming

Disrupting or blocking radio frequencies to prevent unauthorized communication or tracking.

Anti-Surveillance Software

Using software to detect and block spyware, tracking apps, or malware on digital devices.

Privacy Measures

Taking precautions like using encryption, secure communication channels, and physical barriers to protect against surveillance.

Physical Surveillance Awareness

Being vigilant and observant to spot signs of physical surveillance, such as being followed.

Countersurveillance is often used by individuals, businesses, government agencies, and activists to safeguard sensitive information and activities from unauthorized access or observation.